Rising Sea Levels Force Giant Funnel-Web Spiders to Nest in Trees

Every millimetre of sea level rise has consequences.

Every millimetre of sea level rise has consequences.

By Canberra, Australia correspondent Erica Quarterbee

Scientists in Australia have discovered giant, deadly funnel-web spiders nesting in trees in the Booderee National Park in New South Wales.

Dr Thomas Wallenius from the Australian National University suggested that a mutation from the ground-dwelling genus Atrax to the tree-dwelling genus Hadronyche could be a consequence of rising sea levels. As sea levels rise and inundation becomes more likely, the larger equally deadly, tree-dwelling genus is likely to become the dominant one.

5 thoughts on “Rising Sea Levels Force Giant Funnel-Web Spiders to Nest in Trees

  1. Donaldo says:

    Oh yes and mankind too will be driven back into the trees from whence he came. I thought this post was satire on first reading, but Thomas Whatever does appear to be connected with the ANU. At a rate of 1mm per year sea level rise poor Thomas will not be around to see the aboreal migration/mutation.I suppose he had to link his findings to “climate change” to get kudos and funding. Reminds me of the study done by some Harvard rent-seekers who determined that mummies in museums would undergo accelerated decomposition due to anthropogenic CO2 (aka climate change, global warming, AGW, CAGW)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. terrarious says:

    Dr Thomas Wallenius ………SUGGESTED that a mutation from the ground-dwelling genus Atrax to the tree-dwelling genus Hadronyche COULD be a consequence of rising sea levels.
    Hilarious, one wonders what other possibilities occurred to the good doctor?


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